Lumider > News > The heat dissipation characteristics of high-power LED wall washer lights limit the lifespan of outdoor LED wall washer lights.

The heat dissipation characteristics of high-power LED wall washer lights limit the lifespan of outdoor LED wall washer lights.

09-06 11:31

The heat dissipation characteristics of high-power LED wall washers limit the lifespan of outdoor LED wall washers So, what aspects limit the heat dissipation characteristics of high-power LED wall washers? Here are some explanations from wall washer manufacturers:

Wall washers use high-power LED bulbs. The quality of the LED bulb affects the heat dissipation of the LED wall washer. For example, top-tier brands like Corrie and notable third-tier brands like San'an not only differ in effects, but also in heat dissipation properties.

Outdoor environment of LED wall washers: When the working temperature of the wall washer's casing drops by 10 degrees, the lifespan of the wall washer will be halved; under normal circumstances, the working temperature of the LED wall washer casing is 65 degrees.

The casing material and thickness of outdoor LED wall washers are relatively thin. Aluminum has better heat dissipation properties than iron materials. Moreover, aluminum materials come in a variety of types, and the thicker the casing, the faster the heat dissipation.

The thermoconductive material contacting the LED bulb casing also limits the heat dissipation characteristics of high-power LED wall washers.

There are nearly tens of thousands of LED wall washer manufacturers nationwide. The market demand is extremely intense but not explosive. Choosing the right one is key, and can not only save product costs, but also save after-sales service and maintenance costs, especially since this is an outdoor product where the cost of replacing and maintaining LED lights is very high.

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